Steve Kerr (Follow on LinkedIn)
Previous Head of Marketing & Founding Partner "The key to success in everything we do is aligning our passion with our work ethic, collaborating on continual improvement, and being relentlessly consistent in our goal achievement." With over 15 years of experience in data-driven marketing, analytics, research, and insight development, Steve heads our strategic innovation and growth initiatives. |
Q: Steve, thanks so much for having us today. It is a true pleasure. Our first question is what made you want to start The Chicago Analytics Group?
A: The idea for starting The Chicago Analytics Group was actually derived out of a need to get access to affordable best practices, insights, and guidance in the analytics and research technology communities. At the time, I was starting an analytics department and my boss, mentor, and good friend of mine gave me the idea that I could start a thought leadership group in order to bring the analytics, research technology, and insights communities together in Chicago. We could share our own experiences, opportunities, hurdles, and what we learned from them, so we could all benefit and progress in our respective data-driven fields.
A: The idea for starting The Chicago Analytics Group was actually derived out of a need to get access to affordable best practices, insights, and guidance in the analytics and research technology communities. At the time, I was starting an analytics department and my boss, mentor, and good friend of mine gave me the idea that I could start a thought leadership group in order to bring the analytics, research technology, and insights communities together in Chicago. We could share our own experiences, opportunities, hurdles, and what we learned from them, so we could all benefit and progress in our respective data-driven fields.
Q: And how did that led to where The Chicago Analytics Group is today?
A: With the continual national expansion and growing expertise of our group, we eventually started to receive a fair amount of client requests for various services, so we formed a business consultancy to adequately satisfy potential client needs.
A: With the continual national expansion and growing expertise of our group, we eventually started to receive a fair amount of client requests for various services, so we formed a business consultancy to adequately satisfy potential client needs.
Q: Starting a thought leadership group and successfully evolving it to include a business consultancy sounds like a daunting task. What drove and enabled your success?
A: First and foremost, I owe all of my previous mentors, strategic partners, and colleagues a sincere debt of gratitude for their inspiration. Secondly, it takes an immense amount of personal fortitude, an ever-lasting thirst for knowledge and understanding, and a willingness to collaborate on the highest level in order to accomplish success in this space.
A: First and foremost, I owe all of my previous mentors, strategic partners, and colleagues a sincere debt of gratitude for their inspiration. Secondly, it takes an immense amount of personal fortitude, an ever-lasting thirst for knowledge and understanding, and a willingness to collaborate on the highest level in order to accomplish success in this space.
Q: What differentiates The Chicago Analytics Group from other thought leadership and consulting groups?
A: Our ability to equip both our members and clients with the strategic resources and frameworks they need to achieve reproducible success. Our mission is - and will always be - to create and capture meaningful business value for all of our strategic partners.
A: Our ability to equip both our members and clients with the strategic resources and frameworks they need to achieve reproducible success. Our mission is - and will always be - to create and capture meaningful business value for all of our strategic partners.
Q: What kind of projects do you typically work on and lead?
A: My current focus is primarily on innovation and growth, so I lead the development of marketing strategy, analysis, and effective scalability amongst many other things.
A: My current focus is primarily on innovation and growth, so I lead the development of marketing strategy, analysis, and effective scalability amongst many other things.
Q: What have you been most proud of so far at The Chicago Analytics Group?
A: Without a doubt, having the opportunity to mentor emerging professionals. I firmly believe one of the greatest ways to make both a positive difference in this world and to continually learn yourself is to become a mentor.
A: Without a doubt, having the opportunity to mentor emerging professionals. I firmly believe one of the greatest ways to make both a positive difference in this world and to continually learn yourself is to become a mentor.
Q: What kind of impact have issues such as the current global pandemic had on The Chicago Analytics Group?
A: Like all groups and businesses, it has definitely forced us to adapt and in many ways reinvent our methodologies for achieving our mission. The utilization of technology and adoption of a highly supportive and collaborative culture has been absolutely pivotal for us.
A: Like all groups and businesses, it has definitely forced us to adapt and in many ways reinvent our methodologies for achieving our mission. The utilization of technology and adoption of a highly supportive and collaborative culture has been absolutely pivotal for us.
Q: What do you like to do outside of work? What are some of your hobbies?
A: Outside of work, I am currently maintaining a running streak I started at the beginning of 2019 while training for a marathon. I also like to spend time hanging out with my wife, friends, and dogs cheering for all of the Chicago sports teams.
A: Outside of work, I am currently maintaining a running streak I started at the beginning of 2019 while training for a marathon. I also like to spend time hanging out with my wife, friends, and dogs cheering for all of the Chicago sports teams.
Q: Here's the most important question. Are you a Cubs or White Sox fan?
A: I'm one of the rare fans that roots for both. But I will say I was incredibly happy to see the Cubs finally win the world series about a month after I got married. It makes my anniversary an absolutely unforgettable one.
A: I'm one of the rare fans that roots for both. But I will say I was incredibly happy to see the Cubs finally win the world series about a month after I got married. It makes my anniversary an absolutely unforgettable one.
Q: Ok, final question. What advice would you give to any budding entrepreneurs out there wanting to break into similar fields as you?
A: Listen as much as possible. To your strategic partners, to the available data, and most importantly, to your current and potential customers. Also, realize that entrepreneurship is like a series of rolling hills, with some much more challenging than the others. But the greater the climb, the greater the view will be when you finally make it to the top.
A: Listen as much as possible. To your strategic partners, to the available data, and most importantly, to your current and potential customers. Also, realize that entrepreneurship is like a series of rolling hills, with some much more challenging than the others. But the greater the climb, the greater the view will be when you finally make it to the top.